Spooky Things is a webstore for all my weird dark and odd photography, art and cemetery related items along with halloween and zombie items and swag for Lost and Found Ohio and the United Paranormal Project.  www.zazzle.com/spookythings


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 Latest offeri…

 Latest offering on our Spooky Things shop www.zazzle.com/spookythings





This vintage art purports to illistrate a Black Mass during a witches Sabbath. Most if not all claims of witchcraft and devil worship from the medeval period are today thought to be fabrications of superstitious people and church propaganda of the time. Regardless the art here is evokative of the periods superstitiousnes, with a dark and erotic undertone. It seems like most people took it as a fact that witches, pagans and heritics just plain had alot more fun than regular God fearing folk. They were probably correct in this beleif since life was tough and most of the teaching of the time were about self denial. most will be surprised to learn this work was created by Martin Van Maele around 1910 or so.



 Latest offeri…

 Latest offering on our Spooky Things shop www.zazzle.com/spookythings


 <div style=”text-align:center;line-height:150%”><a href=”http://www.zazzle.com/devils_night_tshirt-235117520223160228?rf=238108626784711410″><img src=”http://rlv.zcache.com/devils_night_tshirt-p235117520223160228z7kpc_325.jpg” alt=”Devils Night shirt” style=”border:0;” /></a><br /><a href=”http://www.zazzle.com/devils_night_tshirt-235117520223160228?rf=238108626784711410″>Devils Night</a> by <a href=”http://www.zazzle.com/spookythings*”>SpookyThings</a><br />View more <a href=”http://www.zazzle.com/devil+tshirts?rf=238108626784711410″>Devil T-Shirts</a></div>


This vintage art purports to illistrate a Black Mass during a witches Sabbath. Most if not all claims of witchcraft and devil worship from the medeval period are today thought to be fabrications of superstitious people and church propaganda of the time. Regardless the art here is evokative of the periods superstitiousnes, with a dark and erotic undertone. It seems like most people took it as a fact that witches, pagans and heritics just plain had alot more fun than regular God fearing folk. They were probably correct in this beleif since life was tough and most of the teaching of the time were about self denial. most will be surprised to learn this work was created by Martin Van Maele around 1910 or so.



The Great Appalachian Spook Show returns! May 4th, 5th and 6th 2012

The Great Appalachian Spook Show Returns!

a Paranormal Conference like no other


Friday May 4th 5th and 6th 2012

The Haunted & Historic
Twin City Opera House
15 West Main Street
McConnelsville, Ohio 43756

For More Information

Join Ohio’s Representative’s of the American Ghost Society—The United Paranormal Project—at the Haunted Twin City Opera House, “One of the most haunted locations in Ohio” for a weekend of ghosts, hauntings and the unexplained. All of this nestled in Historic McConnelsville located along the Muskingum River in Morgan County, Ohio.
We will be offering nationally-known speakers on ghosts, hauntings and the supernatural. Brian Harnois, Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc, Pat Brussard, John Sabol, James Willis to name a few. Plus all of this will include: paranormal workshops, haunted tours, ghost hunts, after-hours events and much more!

The Great Appalachian Spook Show is open to guests from all over the country and will give attendees the chance to gather information about ghosts, hauntings and the unexplained; meet other ghost enthusiasts from around the country; network and compare notes with other investigators; and to visit the haunted Twin City Opera House in McConnelsville, Ohio. You don’t want to miss this conference.

the Twin City Opera House was built in 1892 and has been reported haunted since 1963 when 18 youths saw an aparition that was later identified by the owner Galen Finley as an usher Everett Miller who had worked there for 30 years and had lived accross the street from Galen as a boy. There have been two other aparitions reported there by multible people on several different occasions including a lady in white that always crosses the stage and goes up the catwalk steps. there are a couple other spirits in the catwalk as well a 10 year old girl named Elizabeth and a 30 year old stage hand named Robert. Elizabeth has been heard giggling many times up there and ocasionally will even be seen peeking down onto the stage. EVPs from both spirits have been captured during atempted comunication with these spirits. There is even more activity in the opera house down in the basement where pictures and video has captured a black mass and several sightings of shadowmen have been seen.

More information on the opera house can be found at http://www.twincityoperahouse.com

I am looking for a paranormal equipment vender to setup at the Great Appalachian Spook Show May 4th 5th and 6th and in McConnelsville Ohio for our 2nd paranormal conference there. If you are such a vender or know of one that may be interested than get in touch with me ASAP and we will work out favorable details with you. You can also be an investigator/author or whatever combonation with ghost gear available as long as you have a decent sellection.

It has come to our attention that finding such a vender at a paranormal conference is what many people attending cons want but cant find. This makes little sense to me as I have attended many differenct cons for different interests/hobbies and events and whether it be comics, cars, roleplaying, video games, etc they have no problem assembling venders with stock but when you look into paranormal stores/venders there seems to be a real lack of physical brick and morter stores with actual stock/equipment. I would love to be proved wrong on this and am looking forward to getting into contact with venders who can set real stock onto a real table and sell to my guests/event goers. the website to check out the event and see the speakers/workshops, etc is http://www.greatappalachianspookshow.com and the venue for the event can be seen at http://www.twincityoperahouse.com

All of our venders from last year were pleased with their sales and the event in general and many of them are setting up again this year.

please contact me thru my email at http://www.grimshawl1972@yahoo.com Marty Myers of UPP and Lost and Found Ohio
http://www.1upp.org and http://www.lostandfoundohio.com

Red Dead Dreams Shirt is the Latest at Spooky Things

Here is the latest shirt art for my shop Spooky Things. see what you think

Red Dead Dreams shirt shirt
Red Dead Dreams shirt by SpookyThings
More Death T-Shirts